

高強丙綸長絲 丙綸網絲 丙綸色絲 高強丙綸合股線 丙綸工業布等

徐州和平化纖有限公司z主營:丙綸長絲,高強丙綸長絲,丙綸倍捻絲,丙綸無捻絲,丙綸裂膜絲,丙綸高強絲,丙綸工業絲等產品,歡迎新老客戶來電咨詢:18852195188 魏生
您當前的位置:首頁 » 供應產品 » 廠家直銷聚酯6050系列橡膠專用墊布
產品/服務: 瀏覽次數:1254聚酯6050系列橡膠墊布 
型 號: HS2002 
規 格: 平紋 
品 牌: 欣和順 
單 價: 19.00元/平方米 
起訂量: 100 平方米 
供貨總量: 500000 平方米
發貨期限: 自買家付款之日起 3 天內發貨
更新日期: 2019-06-01  有效期至:長期有效
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 產品型號:  HS2002
 產品規格:  平紋
 產品品牌:  欣和順
欣和順牌 聚酯6050墊布:產品采用高強丙綸長絲與錦綸單絲交織而成,后采用高溫涂層,增加原有的挺性和老化性。該墊布吸溫性小,耐磨性強,不打折,熔點高等性能。 Polyester 6050 liner fabric: the product is made by interweaving high-strength polypropylene filament yarn and chinlon monofilament and covering with high temperature coating to enhance its original rigidity and aging resistance; the liner fabric is featured with low temperature absorption capacity, strong wearing resistance, folding resistance, high melting point, and other performance. 目前和順布業公司已同普利司通、錦湖、韓泰、杭州中策、雙錢、鄧祿普、瑪吉斯等200余家公司建立常年供貨關系,并積極拓展國外業務,產品出口至印度、泰國、緬甸、越南等東南亞以及歐美各國,贏得了廣大客戶的信賴! At present, Heshun Textile has already supplied goods for over 200 companies includingBridgestone, Kumho, Hankook, ZC-Rubber, Double Coin, Dunlop and Maxxis for years. Furthermore, Heshun Textile keeps expanding its foreign market to export products to India, Thailand, Myanmar, Vietnam and other countries in Southeast Asia, Europe and America and it has won the trust of numerous customers. 和順布業歷經風雨,幾度易址,幾度從低谷中奮起,終于在2015年成立江蘇和順布業有限公司。公司廠房面積從原來的幾畝增加到現在的50畝,企業注冊資金從原來的200萬元到如今的1000萬元,企業順利通過ISO9001:2008質量管理體系標準認證,環境管理體系認證和職業健康安全管理體系認證。公司員工也由原來的50多人增加到如今的201人,現有固定資產6000多萬元,其中技術人員55人,公司擁有的生產設備,的現代化管理,和的科研及銷售團隊,歷經30多年發展,目前在同行業中具有地位。 Heshun Company experienced the ups and downs prior to its establishment, and relocated for several times. However, it stood still from the low ebbs. Finally Jiangsu Heshun Textile Co.,Ltd. was established in 2015. Its plant area, only 10mu initially, increases to 30mu at present. The registered capital increases from RMB 2 million to RMB 10 million, and the number of employees increases from over 50 to 210. Currently it has fixed assets worth more than RMB 60 million and 55 technicians. The Company owns advanced production equipment, sound modern management method, and a professional R&D and marketing team. Throughout over 30 years of development, Heshun is in the leading position in the industry. 江蘇和順布業有限公司擁有自己的紡絲、倍捻設備,足夠從產品源頭保證每一根紗線的產品質量,憑借我們優越的資源優勢,保證我們生產的每一匹橡膠墊布都具有競爭力! Jiangsu Heshun Textile Co., Ltd. has its own spinning and double-twisting equipment that are enough to ensure the quality of every yarn from the product origin. Superior resource advantages keep every rubber liner produced by Heshun competitive in the market. 橡膠墊布產品能為客戶提供幅寬5000MM以內,匹長1000M以內丙綸系列、滌綸系列、棕絲、特力絲、網絲、全棉和各種聚酯、特氟龍系列、錦綸引布,海綿復合襯布等九大系列,200余個品種,年生產能力700萬米以上。 Regarding rubber liner fabric product, we provide nine series, i.e. polypropylene, dacron, palm fiber, terylene, twine, cotton, polyester, teflon, chinlon guiding cloth, sponge compound interlining cloth, and over 200 varieties of industrial cloth products, with a maximum width of 5,000mm and a maximum length of 1,000m; the annual production capacity is more than 7 million meters. 以上聚酯6050系列橡膠專用墊布產品如能滿足貴司生產需求,歡迎隨時來電,18852195188 我們將竭誠為您們服務!


Polyester 6050 liner fabric: the product is made by interweaving high-strength polypropylene filament yarn and chinlon monofilament and covering with high temperature coating to enhance its original rigidity and aging resistance; the liner fabric is featured with low temperature absorption capacity, strong wearing resistance, folding resistance, high melting point, and other performance.




At present, Heshun Textile has already supplied goods for over 200 companies includingBridgestone, Kumho, Hankook, ZC-Rubber, Double Coin, Dunlop and Maxxis for years. Furthermore, Heshun Textile keeps expanding its foreign market to export products to India, Thailand, Myanmar, Vietnam and other countries in Southeast Asia, Europe and America and it has won the trust of numerous customers.




Heshun Company experienced the ups and downs prior to its establishment, and relocated for several times. However, it stood still from the low ebbs. Finally Jiangsu Heshun Textile Co.Ltd. was established in 2015. Its plant area, only 10mu initially, increases to 30mu at present. The registered capital increases from RMB 2 million to RMB 10 million, and the number of employees increases from over 50 to 210. Currently it has fixed assets worth more than RMB 60 million and 55 technicians.

The Company owns advanced production equipment, sound modern management method, and a professional R&D and marketing team.

  Throughout over 30 years of development, Heshun is in the leading position in the industry.




Jiangsu Heshun Textile Co., Ltd. has its own spinning and double-twisting equipment that are enough to ensure the quality of every yarn from the product origin. Superior resource advantages keep every rubber liner produced by Heshun competitive in the market.




Regarding rubber liner fabric product, we provide nine series, i.e. polypropylene, dacron, palm fiber, terylene, twine, cotton, polyester, teflon, chinlon guiding cloth, sponge compound interlining cloth, and over 200 varieties of industrial cloth products, with a maximum width of 5,000mm and a maximum length of 1,000m; the annual production capacity is more than 7 million meters.


以上聚酯6050系列橡膠專用墊布產品如能滿足貴司生產需求,歡迎隨時來電,18852195188 我們將竭誠為您們服務!


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